Effect of back Massage on Lactation among Postnatal Mothers
Journal: International Journal of Medical Research and Review (Vol.1, No. 1)Publication Date: 2013-03-30
Authors : Patel U Gedam DS;
Page : 05-13
Keywords : Back massage; Lactation; Primipara; Breast Milk;
- Effect of back Massage on Lactation among Postnatal Mothers
- The Effect of Back Massage on Let Down Reflex among Mothers Who Had Undergone Cesarean Section
- The Effect of Back Massage on Breast Feeding among Neonates who's Mothers Had Undergone Cesarean Section
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Introduction: Lactation is affected by a large number of factors. Equally important as spreading the message of exclusive breast feeding is enabling mothers to sustain it adequately. Considering the ease of implementation and obvious lack of adverse effects, non pharmacologic measures are an attractive option over pharmacologic measures for improving lactation. Methods: A quasi experimental study was conducted for a period of 16 months, to assess the effectiveness of back massage on lactation among immediate postnatal mothers. A total of 220 mothers were enrolled in two groups (Group A, Experimental group-100 cases, Group B, Control group-120 cases). The effect on lactation was assessed based on various parameters, related to the baby. Results: There was significantly higher post feed weight gain, higher mean number of urinations and stools passed per day, longer duration of post feed sleep and better satisfaction in the study group compared to the control group. Conclusion: Back massage was effective in improving lactation in all parameters assessed. This can be recommended for all breastfeeding mothers, especially those facing problems with initiation and sustenance of breast feeding. Importantly, this is a simple method which can be implemented using the existing healthcare system, without straining resources.
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Last modified: 2013-07-23 16:19:35