Multiparty Secure Communication by Using Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
Journal: International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) (Vol.2, No. 7)Publication Date: 2012-11-30
Authors : K.Gopinath B.J.Job karuna sagar;
Page : 11-15
Keywords : single photon sequence; CSMA/CD; multiparty control; quantum communication.;
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By using the order rearrangement of the single photon sequence and unitary transformations, a multiparty controlled quantum communication scheme for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) is presented .In this scheme, messages can only be recovered by the receivers with the permission of all controllers .It is shown that the security of messages transformation can be ensured and the performance of the proposed scheme enhances significantly since the collision can be avoided. In the communication network, transmitting messages from source to destination may traverse several intermediate nodes. For a long period of time, multiple authentications and secure communications between the sender and the receiver are needed for us to transmit messages. In the classical field, authentication provides only conditional security and classical channel cannot provide secure communication for liar detection .In the quantum field , multiple quantum entanglement pairs can be used for liar detection, In this paper, we design quantum authentication protocol and secure communication protocol by only using quantum channel . these protocols previously share a quantum key distribution to detect the dishonest node. The quantum Key distribution can promote authentication and secure communication for achieving higher liar detection probability.
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Last modified: 2012-12-15 14:36:01