The Ethnogenesis of the Turks in the Historisophical Views of Eurasianist Lev N. Gumilev (AVRASYACI LEV N. GUMİLEV’İN TARİH GÖRÜŞÜNDE TÜRK ETNOSUNUN ETNOGENEZİSİ MESELESİ)
Journal: Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi-Journal of Eurasian Studies (Vol.1, No. 1)Publication Date: 2012-06-06
Authors : Meşdi İSMAYILOV;
Page : 1-22
Keywords : Eurasia; Ethnogenesis; Ethnos; Super-ethnos; Passionarity.;
This article examines one of the well-known and charismatic figures of Russian Eurasianism Lev N. Gumilev's theory of history in the context of his main concepts and views concerning to the ethnogenesis of Turks. Gumilev's theory of ethnogenesis and passionarity presents universal perspective on dynamisms of history. His theoretical ideas especially focused on ancient and medieval histories of nomads of Eurasian steps. In accordance with the classical Eurasianist history of philosophy Gumilev, considers Turkish (Turanic) and Russian (Slavic) elements as the organic components of the Eurasian civilization. Thus Gumilev on the one hand constructed his meta-theory and its complex terminology and on the other hand basic Eurasianist thesis -‘Slavic-Turanic syntheses’- is determined on the base of his theoretical presumptions. There is contradictory relationship between his theoretical views and his ideas concerning to the ethnogenesis of the Turks. In the conclusion, these displayed paradoxes are discussed.
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Last modified: 2015-10-06 15:51:18