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Primary plasma cell leukemia in 32 years old male ? A case report

Journal: International Archives of Integrated Medicine (IAIM) (Vol.2, No. 10)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 42-45

Keywords : Primary plasma cell leukemia; Leukocytosis; Plasmacytosis.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is a rare disease and is the least common variant of multiple myeloma accounting for 2-3% of all plasma cell dyscrasias. Histogenetically, plasma cell leukemia is derived from terminally differentiated B cells. It is diagnosed by presence of absolute plasma cell count >2000 per cm or >20% circulating plasma cells. Here we report a case of plasma cell leukemia, who presented with easy fatigability, weakness and high grade fever since 1 month. Hematological investigation revealed leukocytosis with plasmacytosis (7420/ mm3). On bone marrow examination, >45% plasma blasts were seen. Biochemical analysis showed high LDH level (4236 U/L) and serum calcium level was also raised (12.3 mg/dl). Final diagnosis of plasma cell leukemia was made. As PCL is rare disease and it is even rarer to find them in a 32 years old. Here we are able to find and document the typical features of PCL.

Last modified: 2015-10-12 13:11:30