Facility as а principle of compulsory state of social insurance in Ukraine
Journal: LAW AND INNOVATIVE SOCIETY (Vol.1, No. 2)Publication Date: 2014-09-08
Authors : Moskalenko O. V.;
Page : 77-84
Keywords : principles of compulsory state social insurance; facility; social services; material security; protection of the population.;
- Facility as а principle of compulsory state of social insurance in Ukraine
- The content and significance of the principle of permitted and effective use of compulsory state medical insurance
- European standards of compulsory social insurance
- On Financial and Legal Nature of Compulsory Social Insurance
Problem setting. The category of ?principle? is the foundation of the system, which is the compilation and dissemination of appropriate provisions in all phenomena of the area from which this principle in the abstract. Developed society involves complex legal superstructure formed on the advanced principles of the legal organization of the social life of people and their social institutions. These principles find expression primarily in law and especially in its principles, which are a kind of conduit between the economic basis of society and its legal superstructure, the regulatory system. They are objectively determined by the nature of social relations, economic and political structure of society and reflect the objective laws of social development. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The theoretical basis of this article served as scientific works of scholars such as C. Andreev, C. Goncharov, I. Gerovska, O. Koval, A. Kolody, B. Mrozewski, S. Prylypko, O. Yaroshenko, etc. However, despite considerable achievements, the study of the principle of accessibility as an important principle of compulsory state social insurance has not been carried out. Target of research. The purpose of this article is a thorough study of the principle of accessibility as a fundamental principle of compulsory state social insurance. Article’s main body. Legal principles not only determine the content of specific rules of law, but, as their constituent parts, directly regulate social relations. Under the principles of legal regulation of compulsory state social insurance should be understood objectively determined and designed in scientific achievements senior legal basis for the implementation of this organizationallegal forms of social security, which determine its General direction, content and characteristics. It should be noted that all of the institutions of social welfare permeated the industry principles to ensure the inextricable link of the respective Institute and the industry in General and other legal institutions in particular. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, the article deals with the principle of facility as a fundamental principle of compulsory state social insurance. It is noted that social insurance principles are essentially guidelines for norm-setting activities with the formation of a new system of social protection of population of Ukraine. It is noted that more fully they will be taken into account and more successfully adapted to the demands of reality, there are more reliable and efficient such a system will be operate. Key words: principles of compulsory state social insurance, facility, social services, material security, protection of the population.
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Last modified: 2015-11-05 23:26:15