Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) pada PT Saptawira Adhitama Tour & Travel
Journal: Binus Business Review (Vol.2, No. 2)Publication Date: 2011-11-29
Authors : Stefanus Ariyanto; Kartika Wijaya;
Page : 936-948
Keywords : Entity without public accountability; financial reporting; SAK ETAP Implementation;
In 2011, entities without significant public accountability have a choice to implement indonesian generally accepted accounting principles (PSAK) that has been converge with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or PSAK for small medium enterprise called SAK ETAP. The choice become crucial because entities that choose to implement PSAK, can not change the decision to use SAK ETAP. The purpose of this research is to prepare implementation guidelines that can be used by small medium enterprise in implementing the standards. The methods used are qualitative descriptive and literature review. The sample company in this research is PT Saptawira Adhitama Tours & Travel (Sapta Tours) that meet the criteria of small medium enterprise that previously using mixed standard in preparing its financial statements. The steps that must be followed by entity to implement SAK ETAP are : prepare opening balance sheet that recognize or derecognize accounts as required by SAK ETAP, reclassification of accounts recognize as Assets, Liabilities and Equity Components, and apply all measurements required by the standard. All paragraph in the standards should be implemented consistently.
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Last modified: 2015-11-17 15:40:53