An Efficient Morphological Salt-and-Pepper Noise Detector
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (Vol.2, No. 05)Publication Date: 2011-03-01
Authors : Alok Singh; Umesh Ghanekar; Chakresh Kumar; Ghanendra Kumar;
Page : 873-875
Keywords : Mathematical morphology; salt-and-pepper noise; image filter;
- An Efficient Morphological Salt-and-Pepper Noise Detector
- Multiple_Window Median Filter (MWMF) for Efficient Removing Salt and Pepper Noise
- Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise Using 2D Median Filtering
- High Salt and Pepper Noise Ratio Reduction
- Comparative Analysis of Methods Used to Remove Salt and Pepper Noise
An efficient two stage morphological impulse noise detector is proposed in this paper. The proposed method first identifies the noise pixels by comparing the current pixel with the brightest and the darkest pixels in its working window and then in second stage morphological operations based detector is used to improve the performance of impulse noise detector. Simulation results performed on different images shows better results in terms of the qualitative and quantitative measures of the images.
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Last modified: 2015-12-04 18:19:19