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Ukrainian mentality in G. Hofstede’s research program dimensions

Journal: Economics Bulletin of The National Mining University (Vol.50, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 9-19

Keywords : the mentality of the Ukrainians; the technique by G. Hofstede VSM 08; G. Hofstede’s indexes for Ukraine; monumentalism; tolerance against self-restraint; regional differences mentality of the Ukrainians; specific features of the mentality of Donetsk and L;

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The results of the study of the Ukrainian mentality according technique by G. Hofstede VSM 08 are shown. The dominant values of the Ukrainian population are revealed and the depth of its differences between representatives of various regions of the country is determined. The meaning of the new technique VSM 08 ?Monumenalism? and ?Tolerance against self-restraint? indexes is interpreted. The differences between these indicators for residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and representatives of other regions of Ukraine are shown.

Last modified: 2016-01-22 19:17:53