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Management of a large non healing periapical lesion by combined Endodontic-Periodontic Approach: A Case Report

Journal: Endodontology (Vol.27, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 77-79

Keywords : Regeneration; PRF (platelet rich fibrin); Xenograft.;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Regeneration of lost tissues within the oral cavity seems to be the trend of dental professionals and numerous advances have been made in that direction. Unfavorable outcome following root canal treatment can be attributed to many reasons, but sometimes even a well-performed treatment can lead to non-healing of peri radicular lesions necessitating a more aggressive and invasive periapical surgery. PRF(platelet rich fibrin), a second generation platelet concentrate containing viable platelets has garnered widespread attention because of its ability to provide multiple growth factors. The present case report aims to evaluate the efficacy of minced PRF along with Xenograft in the treatment of a non-healing periapical lesion. The results were evaluated based on the clinical symptoms and radiological (bone fill) findings. It is seen that PRF results in improved healing and excellent bone fill when used in conjunction with bone grafts.

Last modified: 2016-02-10 19:37:02