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Gambaran Histopatologi Selaput Lendir Kantung Empedu Sapi Bali yang Terinfeksi Cacing Fasciola gigantica (HISTOPATOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATION OF GALL BLADDER MUCOUS MEMBRANE INFASCIOLA GIGANTICA INFECTED BALI CATTLE)

Journal: JURNAL VETERINER (Vol.17, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 16-21

Keywords : Fasciolagigantica; gall bladder; bali cattle;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study aims were to describe lesions and their intensities of histopathological changes in gall bladder mucosa of bali cattle that infected with Fasciola gigantica. As many as 42 gall bladers of bali cattle were used in this studi, i.e: 35 samples were infected and sefen were non-infected with F.gigantica. The samples were randomly gathered from Pesanggaran slaughter house in Denpasar. The gall bladders were evaluated macroscopically and prepared for microscopically examination using haematoxylin and eosin staining.The result showed that there were histopathological changes observed in the mucosa of the gall bladder:necrosis cells of gall bladder with intencity 100%, hemorrhage 68.5%, hyperplasia serous gland and mucous hypertrophy gland 100%, collagen in filtration 100%, fibroblast proliferation 91.4%, and infiltration of inflammation cells, 74.2%. Histopathological changes in gallbladders mucous of bali cattle infected F.gigantica experiencing severe lesons with frequency percentage above 50%.

Last modified: 2016-03-03 12:02:21