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Modern information tools: their place in students’ extra-curriculum and involvement of them in motor activity of health related orientation

Journal: Physical education of students (Vol.19, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 44-50

Keywords : students; extra-curriculum time; motivation; carrier of information; Internet; health related functioning;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Purpose: to determine place and role of modern information tools in formation of motivation for health related motor functioning. Material: in the research 150 boys and 150 girls participated. All they were questioned. Results: we have determined that in hierarchy of students’ functioning in extra-curriculum time its general kinds prevail. Special kinds of health related motor functioning take unfairly low position. Among general kinds of functioning Internet dominates. We found that health related motor functioning takes low position in general hierarchy: only 2 % of girls and 5.3 % of boys use it in form of training of favorite kind of sports; accordingly 8% and 6 % - in the form of walks in the open air. Conclusions: it is necessary to uses students’ preferences of Internet for their involvement in health related motor functioning.

Last modified: 2016-05-01 02:31:03