Personality characteristics in the patients of obsessive compulsive disorder
Journal: Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (Vol.3, No. 2)Publication Date: 2012-07-01
Authors : Krishan Kumar Rajneesh Kumar Gurpreet Kaur Brahmdeep Sindhu Sachin;
Page : 144-148
Keywords : Obsessional symptoms. Obsessional traits. Passive aggressive traits. Depression. Anxiety. Doubting.;
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Background The relationship between obsessional personality traits and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has long been the subject of debate. Although clinicians have asserted for nearly a hundred years that such a relationship exists, empirical investigations have failed to provide consistent support; however, none of these empirical investigations have undertaken analyses that control for the effect of mood variables. Employing a non-clinical sample, some psychologists found that when mood variables are taken into account, a unique relationship between obsessional traits and obsessional symptoms emerges. Material and methods A replication was undertaken on a large group of individuals with OCD. Results After the effects of depression and anxiety were removed from a correlational analysis, obsessional symptoms were found to be significantly associated with obsessional and passive aggressive traits. Conclusion OCD was not associated with any other grouping of traits as specified in the revised third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R) Axis II classification system.
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