Metabolic Profile of Young Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients and Their First Degree Relatives
Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine (Vol.1, No. 2)Publication Date: 2014-07-01
Authors : Pratap Singh; Naresh Kumar; Richa Dewan; Dinesh Dhanwal;
Page : 1-6
Keywords : Young onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; First degree relatives; Metabolic Syndrome; Obesity;
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Objective: There is a paucity of data on the metabolic profile of the first degree relatives of young onset type 2 diabetes mellitus especially from India. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the metabolic profile of young- onset type 2 diabetic patients and their first degree relatives. Material and method: Thirty young- onset type 2 diabetic patients of age < 30 yrs and 89 first degree relatives (28 parents and 61 siblings) were assessed for anthropometric parameters such as BMI, waist circumference, waist hip ratio and body mass index. Various biochemical tests were done which included fasting and 2 hours post 75 gm glucose load, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), lipid profile and renal function test. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed as per National Cholesterol Education Program- Third Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP- ATP III) criteria and IDF criteria. Results: Mean age of the patients was 27.53 years whereas mean age of the first degree relatives was 36.53 years. Mean BMI of the patients and first degree relatives were 26.46 and 25.46 kg/m2 respectively. 60% of patients and their first degree relatives separately fulfilled the IDF criteria for central obesity. 51 (57.3%) first degree relatives fulfilled the WHO criteria for abdominal obesity. Family history of diabetes was seen in 60% of these young diabetics. Out of 89 first degree relatives, 32 relatives (35.9%) were found to have diabetes and additional 13(14.6%) relatives had either impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance test results. 18 (60%) patients and 48 (54%) first degree relatives fulfilled the IDF criteria for metabolic syndrome. According to NCEP ATP III criteria, 73.3% of these young onset diabetic patients and 50% of their first degree relatives fulfilled the criteria for metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: More than 50% of the first degree relatives of the young onset type 2 DM patients fulfill the criteria of metabolic syndrome and 50% of these FDRs have diabetes or prediabetes. Hence, our study clearly reinforces the importance of screening the first degree relatives for metabolic parameters, as it will detect metabolic syndrome or diabetes early in this high risk group so that appropriate treatment can be started in time to prevent the complications.
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