Solvent-Coating Powder Interaction and Permeability of Coated ClayAlumina Membrane
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET) (Vol.2, No. 8)Publication Date: 2013-08-01
Authors : Ganesh C Sahoo Somendra Nath Roy Sibdas Bandyopadhyay;
Page : 803-806
Keywords : Key words ? Contact Angle; Viscosity; Permeability; Membrane; Solvent; Regression Analysis.;
The present study deals with membrane-solvent interaction using two types of oxide ceramic coating namely alumina and zirconia over clay alumina tubular support to study the effect of transmembrane pressure on solvent transport under crossflow microfiltration condition. Physical properties of solvents and membrane materials viz. viscosity of solvents, particle size of ceramic powders used for coating as membrane layers, contact angle between ceramic powders and solvents, and apparent porosity of ceramic tubes were determined to find out their role on solvent permeability. Permeability constant was calculated using regression analysis for different membranes and solvents. An attempt was made to correlate the membranesolvent interaction parameter determined using regression analysis of time variation of flux with contact angle between respective membrane coating powder and solvent.
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Last modified: 2013-09-03 20:01:12