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Journal: LAW AND INNOVATIONS (Vol.1, No. 56)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 68-80

Keywords : intellectual property; innovation; legislation; licensing; the patent system;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


We give an analytical review of the scientifi c report ?Digital Perspectives: an independent review of intellectual property and development? on the state of UK law on intellectual property, prepared by a team of British experts. There has been an unprecedented impact of intellectual property not only to the current economic situation, but also on its future transformation. The conclusion : the current British legislation undermines economic growth and hinders innovation. The national policy on the development of intellectual property rights should be based on a solid base of proven and reliable facts. Approximately 5.6?% of GDP in the UK creative industries provide enterprise economy, which is widely used by copyright law license. Must implement digital licensing scheme that will include the development of technological methods to add digital content information about the authors, their agents, conditions of license and use of materials, creation of on-line database content and features automatic exchange of information and to obtain a license We’re the fastest in Europe to introduce the concept of fair use, it spread to all the technological innovations. The concept should allow users to so-called ?non-consumer use? (non-consumptive use), when making copies of protected works become part of the process. Some limitations of exclusive rights can be introduced at the level of the UK: ? allowing full text search in databases (text mining) and in respect of protected works during the non-commercial research; ? permission to copy (private copying) works for personal purposes; ? permit free format conversion (format shifting) lawfully acquired content; users should be free to write content on various devices for themselves and their families; ? free study of all types of works in any media for the purpose of non-commercial research; ? free archive libraries of any works , including protected and orphanages (including audiovi-sual) and the digitization of these works ( a digital archive has enormous economic, social and cultural value); ? free create parodies and styling. The rapid growth in the number of patent applications in many countries in recent years, resulting in slowing down the patent offi ce and the deterioration of their quality, duplication Bureau when considering identical applications in different countries; diffi cult to obtain inventors and others reliable information about the content and scope of protection of patents in force, reduces the level of available scientifi c knowledge to society through the choice of inventors nepatentnyh forms of protection; seriously increases the transaction costs and the costs of obtaining necessary licenses during manufacture technologically complex devices; eliminates income producers who expect patent; multiplies the number of legal disputes between the owners of numerous patents in certain areas. The authors analyze certain that the patenting of computer programs almost discourages innovation signifi cantly increases transaction costs, grow impenetrable ?patent thickets? patents. You must give up non-technical patent applications, and does not grant patents on various ?business methods? (such as marketing and pricing schemes). Necessary to facilitate the implementation of the European patent and a unifi ed patent court system of the European Union. Particular attention should be paid on-line rights violations holders who acquired a mass character, as there are fears that they will lead to the collapse of their business. Experts say that the most effective way to combat piracy should recognize it create enough services that offer users a legal content on clear conditions and at an affordable price.

Last modified: 2016-06-01 17:36:33