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Cell Membrane and Consciousness: A Journey Through Biology, Mathematics and Philosophy

Journal: Annals of Depression and Anxiety (Vol.1, No. 7)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 1-3

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Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The use of experimental procedures aimed at identifying the molecular modifications of the neuron (from Quantum Biology to Quantum Psychiatry) opens up important perspectives in the care of mood disorders. Particularly, the use of an artificial 21st Century for the quantitative analysis of some platelet fatty acids (Arachidonic acid, Palmitic acid and Linoleic acid), as a way of interpreting the neuron, leads to the identification of a specific predictive, and therefore diagnostic, biochemical marker able to distinguish Major Depression from Bipolar Syndrome. The objective biological path should prove as a valuable antidote against the diagnostic imperialism of a psychiatry that is still highly ideological.

Last modified: 2016-06-04 15:47:45