Phraseological units with the component heart in Ukrainian and English linguistic worldimage
Journal: Paradigm of knowlege (Vol.15, No. 4)Publication Date: 2016-07-02
Authors : in Pedagogics; Lysenko L.O.;
Page : 32-43
Keywords : phraseological unit; contrastive analysis; semantics; lexical meaning; functional aspect; comparative study; linguacultural aspect;
- Phraseological units with the component heart in Ukrainian and English linguistic worldimage
- Component Parts of Phraseological and Parameological Units With Ornytonym Component in the English, Russian and Tatar Languages
- Etymological analysis of phraseological units with "milk" component in English
- National component in phraseological units, representing the intellectual abilities in English
The article deals with the contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the component "heart" in the Ukrainian and English languages. It is found out that they play a primary role in shaping the idiomatic meaning as a motivating component of semantics of the analyzed idioms. It determines the degree of correlation of phraseological units. The factors involved in the development of the analyzed phraseological units are emphasized. The revealed qualitative differences in the perception of the English and Ukrainian languages are determined by the peculiarities of national outlook and reflect some national specific associations and beliefs.
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Last modified: 2016-07-02 00:20:27