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Journal: European Journal of Special Education Research (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 25-25

Keywords : body composition; cardio respiratory capacity; class obese housewife;

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The goals of this study are to find ways to determine the risks cardiovascular and respiratory capacity in class obese I, II, III housewife based on them adaptation to effort. Since obesity has reached epidemic as levels in cholesterol fractions, and triglyceride as risk factors of metabolic health track into adulthood which confirmed that the body physical fitness has a significant modifying effect on other risk factors as cardiovascular disease. Our role is to expose the impact of the class obesity on the level fitness to health. In order to achieve this objective, in one hand we have chosen the Ruffier-Dickson index and Maximum Heart Rate which are safe bet in the sports medical baseline budget. On the other hand, our sample was selected by intentional method represented by 30 women; their homogeneity was calculate based on age ? 27, BMI? 35,77 and Questionnaire Physical Activity Rating (PA-R) from Non-Exercise Data and Non-Exercise Fitness Test. Our entire sample selected that prefer staying at home. In order to classify our sample, we have selected the BMI classification system for adults Programs and Health Survey for England which classed our sample in three categories obesity I, II and III. For the statistical processing, we based on Mean, SD, Correlation Paired Samples, Anova and LSD to determine the effect of overweight on the both cardio-respiratory capacity failure between the three classes in active exercise as our safe test. Based on the analyses statistics we confirm: - is a strong positive relationship between the increase BMI and the level of the variables selected in this study; - Class Body Composition reveals the weaker skeletal muscle function, decreases cardiorespiratory capacity and the low fitness aerobics ability; - Class Body Composition predict the weaken cardio respiratory capacity related to the combination of “respiratory rate and airway narrowing” which lead to fatigue of the muscles of ventilation.?Abstract/Article visualizations

Last modified: 2016-08-08 03:22:02