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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.101, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5-22

Keywords : cybernetics; synergetics; artificial intelligence; technoutopia; transhumanism; posthumanism; immortalism; singularity; Buddhism; Neo-Luddism.;

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Background. The beginning of the XXI century marked the transition from modernism to postmodernism, from information and communication technologies to the fifth wave to nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive Cybertech sixth wave. It is about convergence of NBIC a characteristic feature of the latest technologies that offer prospects to really substantial strengthening of human biological body and expand its capacity, construction of "artificial intelligence". Analysis of recent research and publications on selected issues indicates that the philosophical and methodological analysis of the transhumanism is phenomenon performed very biased and not in line with the real social, technical, technological and business and marketing practices. In particular, in the publications of national philosophers (N. Niko?laenko, S. Pylypenko A. Shorkin etc.) philosophical issues related to the implementation of NBIC-technologies are mainly confined to issues of religion, of values axiology and ethics (bioethics), in the dimensions of which transhumanism and posthumanizm get represen?tation as religious gnostic utopia transfer of individual ‘chosen' personality in transnatural body equivalent to the divine. The aim of this article is to analyze transhumanistic movement and its policy documents as such, not only reflecting the views of adherents of utopian positive eugenics to its guidance for a new "immortal breed" of people, but also realistic marketing proposals aimed at improving the quality of life and overcome the natural limitations the human body. Material and methods. Dialectical and synergetic methodological approaches inherent in modern philosophy and cultural studies of science and technology have been used. Historic, historic and comparative methods have been applied. Results. Transhumanism is described as a complex cultural hybrid entity that combines features of philosophy and religion, science and technology, economics and business and offers both initial philosophical and scientific and technological justification of "human transfer", moving into man and in the interests of man and his future many modern breakthrough technologies. As a social ideology transhumanism reflects the desire for freedom and lack of freedom in terms of total determination of human behavior, due to modern technologies of the fifth and sixth technological wave. When this "escape from freedom," due to technological intervention in all human activities and directly into the very human nature for compensation and far-reaching advance offensive "morphological freedom" and overcome of the natural limitations of human existence such as illness, aging and death is announced. Conclusion. A balanced analysis of all "for" and "against" related to the claims of the followers of transhumanistic utopias (distopia), practical applications of the latest achievements of neurotehnology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, as well as the statements and declarations of the contrary viewpoints to the existence of phenomena of extremely valued statement and denial as tehnoutopia and Neo-Luddism. We are talking about organized or disorganized social movement aimed at promoting technology of the sixth wave or resistance to it, these processes really open so far not properly understood prospects of overcoming "natural flaws" of man as a biological being and achieve "morphological freedom," the liberation of man from the universal principle of entropy increase (ekstropy), that inexorable transition from being ordered and information saturated to being chaotic and information-depleted. That may eventually turn into the opposite trend to the loss of human identity, self-organizing suicide of the human species and its replacement (substitution) with "immortal" cybernetic substitutes.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 20:11:58