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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.95, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 75-84

Keywords : voluntary health insurance; level of insurance payments; insurance market; insurance company; insurant; insurance service; insurance premiums; insurance payments; health insurance program.;

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Background. The proposed scientific article is dedicated to the issue of health insurance provision. Development of insurance market relations has led to organization of the national health insurance market, which is considered as a special social and economic environment or some form of financial relations where insurance protection against risks associated with health of insured plays role of the object of sale, supply and demand on it is formed. Review of scientific sources. Financial aspects of the ukrainian insurance market have been investigated by many Ukrainian scholars. Theoretical and practical aspects of the voluntary health insurance organization and functioning are reflected in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. However, some issues, that require further researches in this area, have been accumulating during last years. Therefore, purpose of the article is to study the basic indicators of national health insurance market and to identify problems concerning organization and implementation of such type of insurance. Results. Voluntary health insurance is one of the developing segments of the Ukrainian insurance market, which demonstrates positive dynamics of the main indicators (insurance premiums and insurance payments), although data analysis of insurance companies shows its high losses. It might be explained as insurance specificity as a type of business activity that is related to the fact that insurance liabilities increase proportionately with income of the company. Insurance companies offer almost the same health insurance programs with a similar set of services, the same clinics attachment with similar medical care organization. According to the author, service quality must be the main argument in attracting insured in the conditions of programs similarity. To increase profitability of voluntary health insurance experts usually offer a range of measures, including increasing of tariffs, clients "re-education", "displacement" of companies that use dumping prices for their services, reducing administration costs, stiffening payment policy, standardization of health care etc., but such actions, according to the author, are not balanced. Conclusion. Necessity of subsequent searches in value optimization of the voluntary health insurance services, that could balance interests of insurers and insured and could promote the growth of socially important and required segment of the insurance market, is a result of author's analysis concerning state and development problems of the health insurance market in Ukraine.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:14:18