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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.96, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 45-53

Keywords : the system of indicators of competitiveness; competitive advantages; integral indicator of competitiveness.;

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Background. The proposed scientific article is devoted to topical issues of effective functioning of commercial enterprises in the struggle for leading position in competitive business environment. The issue is studied on the basis of practical experience of the famous Ukrainian commercial networks in the process of their adaptation to modern market transformation. Review of scientific sources in this direction indicates that among scientists the discussions are being conducted about the problems of analysis of competitiveness of commercial enterprises with a purpose to ensure stability of economic management of enterprises and to ensure their economic growth in prospect. But a small part of existing scientific works is devoted to the development of unified methodological tools for identification of competitive advantages, which are adapted for use by all commercial enterprises, independently of their scale. Purpose of the research is development of proposals regarding maximally accurate identification of factors, which create competitive advantages and identification of the weaknesses of the commercial enterprise's activity, that can prevent this. Results. The article proposes to use the formation mechanism of the 3-tiered system of competitiveness indicators of commercial enterprise. Developed system contains indicators of the complex comparative analysis of the economic activity, which is tightly correlated with integral competitiveness indicator of commercial enterprise. To form the system of competiveness indicators, which would be characterized with the maximal precision, the inclusion of those elements, that create quantificational influence on the enterprises activity efficiency, must exclude those that duplicate one another and have no influence on researched object. It's proposed to research each element of the system about its belonging to the group of competitiveness indicators of the complex comparative analysis of commercial enterprise from positions of their correlation degree, namely, with integral competitiveness indicator of commercial enterprise, because it reflects enterprise's potential to be competitive. Those indicators of the system, that will have the highest density of connection with integral competitiveness indicator of the enterprise, are included to the system of competiveness indicators and are treated as competitive factors of commercial enterprise. Conclusion. Structural elements of the modeled system widely characterize all vectors of the economic activity, whose detailed analysis provides efficiency of the enterprise's functioning generally and its economic growth as guarantor of stability of position in the market business environment. The practical application of the proposed mechanism of detection of competitive advantages provides favorable conditions for maximum precise definition of competitive advantages of commercial enterprise.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:35:59