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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.97, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 34-41

Keywords : crisis management; preventive crisis management; subjects of preventive crisis management; crisis manager; key competencies.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. The article is dedicated to the problem of fixed list of subjects of preventive crisis management formation, because, today there is no clear definition of their responsibilities. It is caused by the fact that the issue of preventive crisis management isn`t sufficiently developed. Review of scientific sources indicates that the most of the authors consider only subjects of crisis management. And some authors' determination of subjects of preventive crisis management substantially narrows the substantive focus of this type of management. Consequently, the issue of subjects of preventive crisis management remains in abeyance. Thus, the aim of this paper was to determine and substantiate list of subjects of preventive crisis management. Results. Business owners, top managers, economist, crisis manager should be attributed to subjects of preventive crisis management. Qualifying characteristics of a director of the enterprise were determined, and it was found that established at the state level tasks and responsibilities need to be made more precise and extending considering tasks and objects of preventive crisis management. Incorrect attribute of finance manager to subjects of preventive crisis management was substantiated. Expediency of inclusion an economist to subjects of preventive crisis management was confirmed and the main qualifying characteristics of this specialist was analyzed. As crisis manager is professional subject of preventive crisis management, the problems of education of this specialist and his competencies are considered, and author`s view about the latter was proposed. Conclusion. Further research in this direction should be creation of qualifying characteristic of profession "Crisis Manager" and elaboration of educational standard for training such specialists based on competency approach.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:58:27