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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.89, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5-17

Keywords : economic management; economic performance; economic resources (potential); economic performance; economic services of an enterprise; budgeting (budget management).;

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Background. Research is devoted to developing the content and conceptual foundations of unexplored or controversial concept ? "economic management of an enterprise", its distinctive features and essential characteristics have been substantiated. Review of scientific sources of selected subject proves lack of scientific consensus view on the interpretation of the essence of economic management of an enterprise. Most researchers consider economic management as one of the functional areas of management, a specific type of management, tool for development of the company plans. Systemic interpret the essence of the term, holistic concept of this type of control available. Researchers without proper justification chose for their consideration certain provisions and (or) the tools of economic management, revealing its contents indirectly (through establishing a list of functions, tasks, powers of economic services, etc.), which leads to fragmentation of understanding the meaning, purpose, instruments of this type of management and its differences from others. Results. In scientific work based on the use of management methodology as the science of management is given author's concept of economic management and disclosed the contents of the basic elements; place in management systems, object, subject, function, purpose, methods and instruments. Economic management is recognized as integrating and coordinating control type, which, harmonizing objectives and management efforts within various types of functional management, subjects them to the common goal ? increasing value, ensuring long-term viability in the interests of all stakeholders of the enterprise. Object of economic management is proposed to consider in the context of three interrelated planes: productive ? economic performance, resource ? the economic resources necessary to carry out activities (economic potential) and evaluation ? integrated features state in which the company is a result of economic activity and the current level of available resources, the realization of economic potential. Professional subject of economic management are experts in economic (financial and economic) units that are using the appropriate tools (management accounting, monitoring, economic analysis and diagnostics, forecasting, planning, economic incentives, monitoring, budgeting as an Integrating Technology) provide a meaningful impact on particular targets to achieve a specific goal of economic management. Conclusions. The concept of economic management, in author's opinion, clearly places the economic management in system of enterprise management, its consistency with other special management, it comprehensively discloses the contents of all the basic elements. Implementation of the proposed concept will allow the proper economic performance and thus ensure achievement of the interests of all stakeholders of the enterprise.

Last modified: 2016-10-27 18:11:19