Analysis of the methods for determining of the duration of the residential complex reconstruction
Journal: Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering (Vol.3, No. 80)Publication Date: 2015-03-24
Authors : T. S. Kravchunovska; H. V. Dadiverina;
Page : 171-180
Keywords : reconstruction; complex reconstruction; duration; modeling techniques; model; efficiency of reconstruc;
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Purpose. Analysis o f the methods for determining of the duration of construction projects to assess the possibility of use to calculate the optimal duration of projects complex reconstruction of existing urban areas. It will increase economic efficiency and attractiveness of the projects for investors. Methodology. In modern conditions with limited financial and material resources of the state and global solution of complex problems of reconstruction of existing urban residential development is possible with the use of a systematic approach. This approach can achieve high efficiency projects projected reconstruction rationally short term. The effectiveness of the systematic approach to reconstruction is the ensuring of an opportunity to consider all elements of the transformation of the object in the most important relationships. Complex reconstruction due to the systemic approach provides a maximum effect. It consists of: - Urban complex reconstruction efficiency (getting high architectural and functional results through the implementation of integrated urban design); - Social efficiency (significant improvement of the living conditions through simultaneous proving all elements of the living environment to the standard level of quality); - Economic efficiency of complex reconstruction (saving labor and material resources as a result of their concentration on the one urban object). Findings. The choice of method for determining of the duration of the complex reconstruction is a critical component in solving problems of assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of reconstruction projects. The analysis showed that the methods used to determine the duration of construction, do not fully reflect all the specific systemic approach to complex reconstruction of existing urban areas. Originality. If we want to apply these methods in solving problems of complex residential reconstruction, we must do some studies to improve the methods of simulation of real processes, identify and take account of the characteristics, organizational and technological factors affecting both the duration and the effectiveness of complex residential reconstruction. Practical value. Analysis and improve of the methods of determining of the duration of rational projects complex residential reconstruction that fully takes into account the interests of all participants of the project are the actual problems. Its successful solution will create an enabling environment to attract investment and a substantial increase in the volume of work on the residential reconstruction.
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Last modified: 2016-11-09 21:41:56