Role and place control mechanism in the concept of sustainable development region
Journal: INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN MODERN SCIENCE (Vol.7, No. 7)Publication Date: 2016-11-19
Authors : Zhuchenko A.M.; Dyachenko A.P.;
Page : 4-21
Keywords : sustainable development; region; management mechanism; management principles; management; concept; management practices;
The aim of this study is to examine the role and place of management mechanism in the concept of sustainable development. In this work the different scientific approaches to the definition of "control mechanism" in the concept of sustainable development. The basic elements of management mechanism. Analyzed the principles of sustainable regional development. The basic methods of influence on sustainable regional development. Determined that a central place in the methods of influence on regional development belongs economic methods. Investigated and analyzed the function of sustainable development of the region.
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Last modified: 2016-11-19 06:51:14