Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Business and Economics Review (JBER) >>
Vol.2, No.4
Publisher: Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise
Publishing Date: 2017-12-30
- The Development Model Of Small-Industry In East Java: A Regional Comparative StudyAuthors: Setyo Tri Wahyudi
- Impact of the Free Trade Zone on Cigarette Consumption: An Examination of Indonesian HouseholdsAuthors: Mohtar Rasyid
- Management Control Systems within Sustainable Ecotourism: A Study of BelitungAuthors: Daryanto Hesti Wibowo Wahyuddin Latunreng
- The Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats In Implementing Renewable Energy Policy in IndonesiaAuthors: Anugerah Yuka Asmara Setiowiji Handoyo
- Modern Hypermarket Receiving Yard Utilization: The Implementation of a Simulation ModelAuthors: Mohammad Annas
- The Canvas Model as a Strategy for Improving Financial Profits: A Casey Study of Online Businesses in IndonesiaAuthors: Francisca Hermawan Sri Hapsari Wijayanti Fransiskus X Lara Aba
- The Demand for Different Types of Childcare by Working Mothers in Palembang, South Sumatera, IndonesiaAuthors: Marieska Lupikawaty Bambang Bemby
- Infrastructural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia (Municipal Panel Data 2002 – 2013)Authors: Puspita Ayuningtyas Prawesti; Bambang Supriyono