Archived Papers for Journal
Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry >>
Vol.18, No.2
Publisher: Bartin University
Publishing Date: 2016-12-01
- Determination of Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Produced From Silane Treated StrandsAuthors: Abdullah İstek; Hasan TUNÇ; ismail ÖZLÜSOYLU
- Demonte Tipi Kitaplıkların Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemiyle Rijitlik AnaliziAuthors: Abdurrahman KARAMAN
- Evaluation of Amasra’s Biological Production Capacity (agro-ecological zones) on Landscape PlanningAuthors: Nurhan Koçan; Ömer Lütfü ÇORBACI; Duygu Duygu Doğan
- Effects of Control-Release Fertilizer in a Wild Cherry Plantation: Fifth-Year ResultsAuthors: Derya EŞEN; Ali Kemal Özbayram
- Comparison of Stand Density Measures as Predictor of Diameter IncrementAuthors: Ferhat Kara
- Selection Of Optimal Establishment Place Using Ahp (Analytical Hierarchy Process): An Application Of Furniture IndustryAuthors: Erol Imren; Selman Karayılmazlar; Rıfat Kurt
- The Importance of Birds in Biological Control and Insectivorous Bird Species Determined in BartinAuthors: Nuri Kaan Özkazanç
- Bartın İlinde Bir Mera Islah Çalışmasının Değerlendirilmesi: Serdar Köyü ÖrneğiAuthors: Ayşe Genç Lermi; Sahin Palta; Huseyin Ozturk
- Competitive analysis with diamond model in TR81 nuts 2 region forest products industryAuthors: Selman Karayılmazlar; Gülay Şener Uzcan
- Koruma-Planlama-Yaşam Kalitesi Çerçevesinde Mekânsal Yönetim Planı Geliştirilmesi: Bartın-Amasra ÖrneğiAuthors: Dürdane Kaya Özdemir; Sebahat Açıksöz
- Determination Of Some Physical And Chemical Properties, And Erodibility Indices Of Bare Land Soils (A Case Study From Boyabat,Sinop)Authors: Emre Babur; Ömer Kara; Yunus Emre SUSAM
- The Influence of Potassium Borohydride (KBH4) On Kraft Pulp Properties of Maritime PineAuthors: Sezgin Koray Gülsoy; Sezgin Oğuz; Saffet Uysal; Serhat Şimşir; Muhsin Tas
- Structural Analysis Of Inegol Forest Products Industry EnterprisesAuthors: Derya Sevim Korkut; Birsu Bozkurt Küçük
- The Effects of Different Overlays on The Surface Properties of MDF PanelsAuthors: Abdullah Istek; Kamil Mugla; Saadettin Murat Onat
- Lamine Ahşap Malzemenin Mekanik Performansları Ve Görüntü Analizi Yöntemiyle Eğilme Direnci Testinde Deformasyonun BelirlenmesiAuthors: Mustafa Zor; Eser Sozen; Timucin Bardak
- Parking Lot Problem Within Safranbolu Urban Protected Site And Solution AlternativesAuthors: Yasin Dönmez; Suat Cabuk; Melih Öztürk; Ercan Gokyer
- Position Analysis of Turkey in Sustainable Forest Management ProcessesAuthors: Ferda Nur Şener; Ahmet Tolunay
- Biomass Studies And Principles Of Stem Wood SamplingAuthors: Ali Durkaya; Birsen Durkaya; Sinan Kaptan
- Examination of Industrial Land Uses in Bartin City with the Aspects of Ecological Planning and Urban EcologyAuthors: Selma Çelikyay; A. İlknur Aytekin
- Bartın Kent Merkezindeki Kamusal Alanların Kentsel Ergonomi ve Kent Kimliği Açısından İncelenmesiAuthors: Selma Çelikyay; A. Süha Karayılmazlar
- Non-Wood Forest Products In Turkey Forestry Sector: Export AnalysisAuthors: Rıfat Kurt; Selman Karayılmazlar; Erol İmren; Yıldız Cabuk
- Türkiye’deki Bazı Ağaç Türü Odunlarının Fiziksel Özellikleri Üzerine Yapılan Araştırmaların DeğerlendirilmesiAuthors: Faruk Çetin; Gokhan Gunduz
- Composite Materials And Fibers Used In Ballistic Panel And Protective Armor ProductionAuthors: Eser Sozen; Gokhan Gunduz; Erol Imren
- An Investigation on Use in Wood Materials of Finite Element AnalysisAuthors: Göksu Şirin; Deniz Aydemir