Archived Papers for Journal
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology >>
Vol.13, No.1
Publisher: Zarqa Private University
Publishing Date: 2016-01-01
- VParC: A Compression Scheme for Numeric Data in Column-Oriented DatabasesAuthors: Ke Yan; Hong Zhu; Kevin Lü
- An Improved Clustering Algorithm for Text Mining: Multi-Cluster Spherical K-MeansAuthors: Volkan Tunali; Turgay Bilgin; Ali Camurcu
- Encryption Quality Measurement of a Proposed Cryptosystem Algorithm for the Colored Images Compared with Another AlgorithmAuthors: Osama Abu Zaid; Nawal El-Fishawy; Elsayed Nigm
- Designing a Fuzzy-Logic Based Trust and Reputation Model for Secure Resource Allocation in Cloud ComputingAuthors: Kamalanathan Chandran; Valarmathy Shanmugasudaram; Kirubakaran Subramani
- Efficient Transmission of PKI Certificates using EllipticCurve Cryptographyand its VariantsAuthors: Shivkumar Selvakumaraswamy; Umamaheswari Govindaswamy
- An Intelligent CRF Based Feature Selection for Effective Intrusion DetectionAuthors: Sannasi Ganapathy; Pandi Vijayakumar; Palanichamy Yogesh; Arputharaj Kannan
- A DEA-Based Approach for Information Technology Risk Assessment through Risk Information Technology FrameworkAuthors: Morteza Hatefi; Mehdi Fasanghari
- WPFP-PCA: Weighted Parallel Fixed Point PCA Face RecognitionAuthors: Chakchai So-In; Kanokmon Rujirakul
- A General Characterization of Representing and Determining Fuzzy Spatial RelationsAuthors: Luyi Bai; Li Yan
- Empirical Evaluation of Syntactic and Semantic Defects Introduced by Refactoring SupportAuthors: Wafa Basit; Fakhar Lodhi; Usman Bhatti
- Adaptive Automata-based Model for Iterated nPlayer’s Prisoner’s DilemmaAuthors: Sally Almanasra; Khaled Suwais; Muhammad Rafie
- Data Mining Perspective: Prognosis of Life Style on Hypertension and DiabetesAuthors: Abdullah Aljumah; Mohammad Siddiqui
- Design and Implementation of a Synchronous and Asynchronous-Based Data Replication Technique in Cloud ComputingAuthors: Kirubakaran Subramani; Valarmathy Shanmugasundaram; Kamalanathan Chandran
- Enhancing the Optimal Robust Watermarking Algorithm to High PayloadAuthors: Satish Todmal; Suhas Patil
- Neural Network with Bee Colony Optimization for MRI Brain Cancer Image ClassificationAuthors: Sathya Subramaniam; Manavalan Radhakrishnan
- Using Ontologies for Extracting Differences in the Dynamic Domain: Application on Cancer DiseaseAuthors: Nora Taleb