Archived Papers for Journal
Pediatric Urology Case Reports >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publishing Date: 2014-02-28
- Buccal mucosa urethroplasty in a reoperative and reconstructive challenge hypospadias: A case reportsAuthors: Hayrettin Ozturk
- Proximal hypospadias in a male patient with 5α-reductase deficiency: A case reportsAuthors: Erol Basuguy , Selcuk Otcu
- Persistent mullerian duct syndrome in a child: case report and review of literatureAuthors: Mete Kaya, Esra Ozcakir, Cagatay Aydiner
- A rare cause of inguinal mass in a female child: Hydrocele or cyst of the canal of NuckAuthors: Suat Erkoc
- Giant bladder diverticulum in a boyAuthors: Esra Ozcakir, Serpil Sancar, Mete Kaya