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  1. Models of economic security and their role in ensuring sustainable development

    Authors: Antonova Alina Mikhaylovna

  2. The role of public investment in infrastructure in stimulating economic growth and development

    Authors: Bykova Tatyana Alekseevna; Tenisheva Diana Danisovna

  3. Reverse Logistics

    Authors: Pilipenko Gennadiy Viktorovich; Sinyutich Daniil Sergeevich

  4. Features of corporate behavior in the market from the point of view of game theory

    Authors: Shadrin David Vadimovich; Sirotkin Anton Aleksandrovich; Plekhanova Valeriya Sergeevna

  5. Advertising on the Internet

    Authors: Neych Artem Igorevich; Zakharov Nikita Karenovich; Gunko Polina Dmitrievna; Lyashuk Valeriya Olegovna

  6. Digital twins in warehouse logistics

    Authors: Dashkevich Denis Dmitrievich

  7. International marketing: features of adapting strategies to different markets

    Authors: Rogozenko Veronika Andreevna; Zaritskaya Anna Aleksandrovna

  8. Strategy for the development of China's tourism industry in the new geopolitical and economic conditions

    Authors: Sarsembekova Damilya Nazhenkyzy

  9. Marketing in Education

    Authors: Lavrenchik Kirill Olegovich

  10. Business ethics in logistics

    Authors: Grinkevich Alina Aleksandrovna