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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>

Vol.15, No.44

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2021-01-18

  1. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the organization of mixed education in the institution of general secondary education

    Authors: Iryna Androshchuk; Oksana Virolainen

  2. Problems of theory and methods of professional training of future officers of law enforcement activities of the armed forces of Ukraine In the conditions of undergraduate

    Authors: Valentin Bliznyuk

  3. Training of civil protection management staff in 1980–2020

    Authors: Yevhen Bohdanov

  4. Criterion apparatus of researching formation of harmonious interpersonal relationships of future primary school teachers

    Authors: Olena Borzyk

  5. Design of improvement of the content of formation of competence of pharmacoeconomic justification of rational pharmacotherapy in the process of professional training of masters of pharmacy

    Authors: Halyna Voskoboynikova; Victoria Dovzhuk; Lyudmila Konovalova; Konstantin Kosyachenko

  6. Management of innovative activity of the institution of vocational (vocational and technical) education as a pedagogical problem

    Authors: Valeriia Doktorovych

  7. Blended learning in future managers' training

    Authors: Oksana Dubinina; Tatiana Burlaenko; Viktor Dobrovolskyi

  8. Diagnostics results of future psychologists 'readiness for professional mobility

    Authors: Vita Zubko

  9. Implementation of the Swedish experience on the formation of adolescents’ readiness for environmental activities in out-of-school education in Ukraine

    Authors: Inna Kolodko

  10. On the problem of foreign language phonetic competence formation in preschool children

    Authors: Vitalina Liubyva

  11. Interaction of family and school as an important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process

    Authors: Olha Molchaniuk

  12. Project work as a promising component in educational process

    Authors: Olha Molchaniuk; Oksana Pal'chyk

  13. Conceptual approaches to the development of the University of educational management in the conditions of educational change

    Authors: Victor Oliynyk