Archived Papers for Journal
Management of the economy: theory and practice >>
Vol.12, No.12
Publisher: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine
Publishing Date: 2020-12-28
- Directions of State Policy to Support Various Groups of the Population and Enterprises During the COVID-19 PandemicAuthors: Khandii O.O.
- Regime of International-Public-Private Partner-ship in Scientific, Technical and Innovation Spheres in the Context of European Inte-gration ProcessesAuthors: Zaloznova Yu.S. Petrova I.P.
- Institutional principles of creation and functioning of industrial parks at the level of territorial communities in the conditions of decen-tralization and smart specializationAuthors: Liashenko V. Trushkina N.
- Assessment of the Target Criterion and Leading Indicators of Regulatory Influence in the Banking SectorAuthors: Osadcha N.V. Artemenko D.M.
- Safety Management of Aviation Transport in the Context of Sustainable Development of the National EconomyAuthors: Hutsaliuk O.M. Bondar Iu.A.
- Organizational Culture in the Context of the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility of Subjects of International BusinessAuthors: Savchenko M.V. Shkurenko O.V.
- Prospects of Innovative Development and Structural Modernization of the Luhansk Region Economy Based on Smart SpecializationAuthors: Shvets N.V.
- Institutional Support of Internalization of Negative external Effects of Old Industrial Production ModelsAuthors: Serdiuk O.S.
- Transformation of Value and Motivation Portrait and Model of Economic Behavior of Generation Z and Risks for Socio-Economic SystemsAuthors: Kompaniets V.V.
- Tsinnisna Rationality is Like a Clear Ambush of Managing the Anti-Crisis State Government PolicyAuthors: Zadorozhna O.G.
- Features of Venture Financing of the Prydniprovsky Economic Re-gion under Creating of an Ecosystem for Innovative InvestmentAuthors: Lyakh I.I.
- Accounting and Informational Evaluation of the Financial and Economic Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprises Environmental ManagementAuthors: Ribeiro Ramos O.O.
- Economic Mechanism of the Stimulating of the Innovative Activity in UkraineAuthors: Diachenko N.P. Diachenko V.S.
- Innovation Infrastructure as a Factor in Intensifying Innovation in the World's Leading CountriesAuthors: Oleksenko L.V.
- Formation of Agro-Food Market LogisticsAuthors: Navolokina A.S.
- Development of Forecasts of Export-Import Operations in the System of Foreign Economic ActivityAuthors: Prokopyshyn O.S.
- FinTech in the System of Transformations of the Global Financial SphereAuthors: Krylova O. V.
- Methodology for the Formation of Integrated Strategic Plan-ning for the Socio-Economic Development of UkraineAuthors: Stolyarova V.V.
- The Essence and Features of the Conditions of Formation and Security of the State Social SecurityAuthors: Latysheva O.V. Rostovsky O.R. Aleshchenko R.A. Vasylshenko S.V.
- "E-business", "E-commerce" and "E-trading": Differences and FeaturesAuthors: Shkrygun Yu.O.