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Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) >>

Vol.2, No.48

Publisher: Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Publishing Date: 2024-06-28

  1. Bracelets of the Romny culture population

    Authors: Enukov V.V.

  2. The results of the study of mass ceramics from the excavations at the medieval fortifi ed settlement of Ken-Bulun in 2022 (Chui Valley, Kyrgyzstan)

    Authors: Kuklina A.A.; Kolchenko V.A.

  3. Agricultural implements of medieval Novgorod: systematization, chronology

    Authors: Volgina N.D.

  4. Study of cast iron pots and slags from Salovka I settlement

    Authors: Vinnichek V.A.; Vinnichek K.M.

  5. Features of the pottery assemblage of the XIII–XIV centuries from excavations of the Syukeyevsky Vzvoz II Campsite medieval sediments

    Authors: Orudzhov E.I.; Kuklina A.A.; Baranov V.S.

  6. “Temple” at the Baba-ata fortifi ed settlement, a monument of fallacies

    Authors: Baitanayev B.A.; Baitanayev E.B.

  7. The medIeval Dashbulag settlement

    Authors: Najafov Sh.N.; Huseynov M.M.; Jalilov B.M.

  8. To the issue of the historical topography of Otrartobe

    Authors: Zheleznyakov B.A.

  9. Fortified settlements of the XII–XIV centuries in the European Northeast. Pozheg hillfort (reconstruction experience)

    Authors: Klenov M.V.

  10. Architectural decoration of the mausoleum no. 1 of the khan necropolis nearby the village of Lapas in the Astrakhan region

    Authors: Pigarev E.M.; Sitdikov A.G.

  11. Gorodni in Siberia and the Far East in the late XVI–XVII centuries

    Authors: Gorokhov S.V.

  12. Karshi-Bair burial ground in Southwestern Crimea (results of the study and general characteristics)

    Authors: Ushakov S.V.

  13. Medieval burials of Taldinskiy-1 burial ground

    Authors: Dmitriev Ye.A.; Kasenalin A.Ye.; Kukushkin A.I.

  14. Burial rite of the population of the Golden Horde city of Madjar: problems of study and debatable issues

    Authors: Babenko V.A.

  15. Burials of the XIII–XIV centuries in the Egiin-Gol river valley (Northern Mongolia): burial rite features

    Authors: Kharinskii A.V.