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Medicni perspektivi >>

Vol.27, No.4

Publisher: Dnipro State Medical University

Publishing Date: 2022-12-29

  1. Reproductive health under global warming

    Authors: Tsymbalyuk V.I. Vadzyuk S.N. Tolokova T.I. Pankiv I.B.

  2. Comparative assessment of the effect of titanium dioxide – based nanoparticles on boar germ cells in vitro

    Authors: Yavorovsky O.P. Zazuliak T.S. Ostapiv D.D. Riabovol V.M. Demetska O.V.

  3. Features of lung impairment due to COVID-19 in patients of the first wave of the pandemic (literature review)

    Authors: Feshchenko Yu.I. Iashyna L.A. Opimakh S.G. Gumeniuk G.L. Ignatieva V.I. Polianska M.A. Zvol I.V. Moskalenko S.M.

  4. Design and search for prospective diuretics (CA II Inhibitors) among aroylhydrazones of esters quinone oxime using in silico and in vivo methodology

    Authors: Sokolova K.V. Stavytskyi V.V. Konovalova S.О. Podpletnya O.A. Kovalenko S.I. Avdeenko A.P.

  5. Correction of metabolic changes in the tissues of oral cavity of rats using a complex of drugs under the conditions of pathological factors

    Authors: Ivanov V.S. Makarenko O.A. Dienha O.V.

  6. The role of TLR-4 gene in the functioning of the natural human immune system and the immunopathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C (literature review)

    Authors: Koval T.I. Syzova L.M. Pryimenko N.O. Sydorenko A.Н. Kulіsh M.V. Ilchenko V.I. Lymarenko N.P.

  7. Comparative analysis of the effect of diclofenac sodium and etoricoxib on energy metabolism in rat liver in the acute general cooling model

    Authors: Shtrygol' S.Yu. Koiro O.O. Kudina O.V. Yudkevych T.K. Gorbach T.V.

  8. Medicinal products as a causative agent of occupational diseases in pharmaceutical workers (literature review)

    Authors: Kuzminov B.P. Zazulyak T.S.

  9. Changes in tryptase levels during cardiac surgery in patients at low risk for allergic reactions

    Authors: Menekse Oksar Hasibe G. Baytan Selim Turhanoglu Tayfun Aybek Nazife Y. Ardicoglu Oguzhan Ozcan

  10. Radiological research methods in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with the parapharyngeal space tumors

    Authors: Zabolotnyi D.I. Zabolotna D.D. Babkina T.V. Tsvirinko I.R. Telukha K.I. Kizim Ya.V. Valchyshyn S.V.

  11. Compensation pathways for venous drainage of the brain in superior sagittal sinus occlusion by parasagittal meningioma

    Authors: Sirko A.H. Dziak L.A. Perepelytsia V.A. Cherednychenko Yu.V.

  12. Evaluation of metabolic disorders and aging rates depending on SIRT1 polymorphism in patients with arterial hypertension and subclinical hypothyroidism

    Authors: Radchenko A.O. Kolesnikova O.V.

  13. Improvement of liver fibrosis verification using new minimally invasive markers in patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases

    Authors: Stepanov Yu.M. Didenko V.I. Klenina I.A. Tatarchuk O.M. Petishko O.P.

  14. Albumin solution as an important component of intensive infusion therapy in women with preeclampsia

    Authors: Klygunenko O.M. Kravets O.V. Marzan O.O.

  15. Molecular mechanisms of resistance of endometrial hyperplasia to progestogen therapy based on the study of the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and paracrine cellular markers of cellular interaction

    Authors: Khaskhachikh D.A. Potapov V.O.

  16. Clinical and psychometric study of asthenia in foreign applicants for medical education at different stages of training

    Authors: Yuryeva L.M. Shusterman T.Y. Podolska L.V.

  17. The structure of non-psychotic mental disorders, alexithymia and anxiety in patients with aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

    Authors: Ogorenko V.V. Shornikov A.V. Zavalko Yu.М.

  18. Functional state of the peripheral nervous system in miners suffering from chronic lumbosacral radiculopathy of occupational origin

    Authors: Basanets A.V. Gvozdetskyi V.A.

  19. Prediction of the rate of progression of primary open-angle glaucoma depending on gender and polymorphism of the endothelial NO-synthase (NOS3) gene

    Authors: Isaiev O.A. Serdiuk V.M.

  20. The levels of hypoxia- and angiogenesis-related regulators and matrix metalloproteinase 9 activity in tear fluid of patients with non-penetrating ocular traumas

    Authors: Gavrylyak I.V. Grebin N.K. Bilous V.L. Korsa V.V. Zhaboedov D.G. Ağca C.A. Tykhomyrov A.O.

  21. The results of using Blue cap® foam for skin care with signs of xerosis

    Authors: Svyatenko T.V. Starostina O.A. Zakharov S.V. Solovyiova S.V.

  22. Systemic correction of osteoporosis of the alveolar processes of the jaw in complex treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis

    Authors: Pechkovskyi K.E. Kolotilov M.M. Pechkovska I.M. Timokhina T.O.

  23. Heritability of body mass index and physical activity in Ukrainian adolescents

    Authors: Omelchenko E.M. Yelizarova O.T. Polka N.S. Polka O.O. Hozak S.V.

  24. Рrevention and rehabilitation of health problems of schoolchildren from the zone of military conflict in Ukraine

    Authors: Lebets I.S. Dynnik V.O. Matkovska T.M. Medvedovska N.V. Kashkalda D.A.

  25. Implementation of the principles of the scientific concept “Medicine of borderline states” regarding donosological diagnosis and overcoming the risks of health deterioration in student youth

    Authors: Korobchanskyi V.O. Sarkis-Ivanova V.V. Bohachova O.S. Oliinyk Y.O. Biеleсka S.V.

  26. Psychologial components of the rehabilitation potential of specialists of low enforcement forces structures

    Authors: Shevchenko O.A. Sheviakov O.V. Kornienko V.V. Burlakova I.A. Slavska Y.A. Sizov V.V. Dorohan S.B.

  27. Ensuring of rehabilitation care quality provision: organizational-methodological aspect

    Authors: Bezverkhniuk T.M. Babova I.K.

  28. Protection from unfair competition on the pharmaceutical market in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Authors: Kodynets A.O. Doroshenko O.F. Volynets I.P. Dorozhko G.K. Petrenko V.O. Belitsky V.V.

  29. Medical interview in the system of dental care providing to patients with special needs

    Authors: Lytovchenko V.P.

  30. Ischemic heart disease in the evacuated adult population as a cause of health loss in the long term after the Chernobyl accident. Results of epidemiological studies 1988-2016

    Authors: Kapustynska O.A.

  31. A clinical case report: stroke in a young patient with systemic lupus erythematosus on the background of secondary antiphospholipid syndrome

    Authors: Shkrobot S.I. Milevska-Vovchuk L.S. Duve Kh.V. Naumova L.V. Budarna O.Yu.