Archived Papers for Journal
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC >>
Vol.11, No.11
Publisher: ZAIN Publications
Publishing Date: 2022-11-30
- Digital Transformation with AI/ML & CybersecurityAuthors: Karthik Trichur Sundaram
- Cloud Computing Safety Concern and Its Confronts: A Compressive InvestigationAuthors: Swati Jaiswal; Tryambak Hiwarkar
- Improving Standard Methods of Message CryptographyAuthors: Ziad Alqadi
- Optimization of Load Frequency Controller by using Genetic AlgorithmAuthors: Abbas Fakhri Abdulameer; Mohammed Musadaq Jaafar
- ANOMALY DETECTION IN CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS BASED ON HYBRID NEURAL NETWORKS MODELSAuthors: Mustafa Abdalkhudhur Jasim; Maha Khalid Khadhum; Ahmed Abdulkhudher Jasim; Eman Khaled Khalaf
- Text Files Protection using Chaotic Logistic KeysAuthors: Ziad Alqadi
- Using Secret Image Block to Secure LSB Data SteganographyAuthors: Ziad Alqadi
- A Dynamics of Machine Learning on Map-Reduce Architecture for Enhancing Big Data Analysis PerformanceAuthors: Ananda Khamaru; Tryambak Hiwarkar
- Secure Method to Protect Secret Short Messages using Rearrangement KeyAuthors: Rushdi S. Abu Zneit; Ziad Alqadi
- Detective Eye: Exclusively for Face and Object Detection, Identification and LocalizationAuthors: Ameya Bansod; Sakshi Adhaye; Shivani Nikam; Sudhanshu Nakhate; Vrutant Wasnik; Tabassum Khan
- Cloud Computing: A SurveyAuthors: Priyanka Vyas; Pankaj Dadhich
- Monitoring, Detecting and Early Warning of Forest Fires using Blockchain in Wireless Sensor NetworkAuthors: Long Tran Huy; Chinh Tran Thien; Hoai Trung Tran; Quynh Le Chi
- Property Rental Management SystemAuthors: Kartik Buradkar; Santoshi Kori; Sakshi Ruikar; Vipul Galfat; Dipti Patil; Rajesh Nasare
- Digital Image Cryptography using Lookup TableAuthors: Dojanah Mohammad Kadri Bader; Ziad Alqadi
- Driver Fatigue Level PredictionAuthors: Ankita P. Jadhav; Dhanshree S. Bhandare; Priya G. Shinde; Vaishnavi B. Sonawane
- A Review on Geospatial Information Systems in Cloud ComputingAuthors: Abdullah Sa'ad Alhefafi; Adnan Yahya Almutawakle
- Digital Image Features Stabilization for Several Different Rotation ModesAuthors: Dojanah “Mohammad Kadri” Bader; Ziad Alqadi
- A Review on Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud ComputingAuthors: Majd Mutaher Hasan; Nabel Alsohaibi
- ENHANCED HYBRID COGNITIVE RADIO AD HOC NETWORKS (CRAHNs) FOR MOBILE NETWORKAuthors: Ramesh Palanisamy; Senthil Jayapal; Anand M; Jeelani Basha