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  1. The Impact of Diversity of Board Members on the Financial Performance of Lebanese and Syrian Banks: A Comparative Study

    Authors: Mohammad Ahmad Talalweh Abdelhakeem Mahmoud Obaid

  2. Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing and Social Capital on the Effect of Knowledge-based HRM Practices and Innovation Performance

    Authors: Maan Hussein Mansour

  3. The Degree of Dependence of Local Satellite Channels on the Jordan News Agency Bulletin from the Point of View of Jordanian Journalists

    Authors: Othman Mansour Al-Tahat

  4. The Role of Social Media Networks in Raising the Awareness of the Palestinian People of Human Rights

    Authors: Raed Hamza Khader

  5. Achieving Psychological Security in Times of Crises and Epidemics through Friday Sermon (Samples of Prophetic Sermons and Contemporary Sermons)

    Authors: Fadi Soud Suleiman Aljbour Osman Nahar Suleiman Alsakhri

  6. The Position of Arab Modernists on the Sources of Islam

    Authors: Ruba Ahmad Al-Waked

  7. Cybercrime in Jordanian Law

    Authors: Mohammad Taha Ibrahim Al-Flaieh

  8. The Historical Method in the Historical Books about the Saljukid State, Al Rawandi's Raahat Al Sudour wa Aayat Al Surour and Al Hussaini's Akhbar Al Dawla Al Saljukiyya: A Comparative Study

    Authors: Ali Zuhair Hashim Al Sarraff

  9. The Nationality Law and Its Impact on the Arabic Character for the Arabs inside Palestine

    Authors: Fawzeya Akram Hamzah AbuAllan Mohammad Hamad Mustafa Al-Qatatsha

  10. The Conjunction “bal” between Sentences: Textual Analysis between Grammarians and Commentators

    Authors: Mo'ath Haza' Alzu'bi Ismail Suliman Almazaidah Sateh Abdullah Thunebat