Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Sci Forschen Inc
Publishing Date: 2015-03-03
- LORETA Z-score Neurofeedback in Patients with Medically Refractory EpilepsyAuthors: Lauren C Frey; J Lucas Koberda
- Acute and Subacute Differential Gene Expression in Rat Midbrain Following Blast Exposure Compared to Mechanical Brain TraumaAuthors: Stanislav I Svetlov Victor Prima Zhiqun Zhang Kenneth C Curley Firas Kobeissy Ahmed Moghieb Kevin KW Wang
- Z-score LORETA Neurofeedback as a Potential Therapy for Patients with Seizures and Refractory EpilepsyAuthors: J Lucas Koberda Lauren C Frey
- Application of Z-score LORETA Neuro-feedback in Therapy of EpilepsyAuthors: J Lucas Koberda