Archived Papers for Journal
Vestnik of Institute of Economic Research >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Institute of Economic Research
Publishing Date: 2016-03-01
- Competitiveness as a development factor of the Republic’s economyAuthors: Chervova L.G.
- Social differentiation and identification of the middle class: the problems of quantitative assessmentAuthors: Kotov E.V.; Kotova N.I.; Ganzulenko R.M.
- Revisiting the essence of economic adaptationAuthors: Shevchenko V.V.
- Contemporary features in the functioning of the mechanism of the enterprise investment activity managementAuthors: Meshkov A.V.; Bondareva I.A.
- Neoindustrialization of the economy: its implementation and the launch conditionsAuthors: Vasilyeva N.F.
- Some methods of the regional economic system functioning diagnosticsAuthors: Vasilenko D.V.
- The investment potential as a basis for sustainable development of industrial citiesAuthors: Kuz'menko R.V.
- The State and law of post-Soviet Russia: problems of transition to an integral societyAuthors: Doinikov I.V.
- Economic and legal implications of implementation of the Free Trade Zone agreement with the EUAuthors: Ashurkov O.A.
- On the issue of the environmental offenses of pharmaceutical activity subjectsAuthors: Kushch L.I.
- The land rights limitations as a state’s method of ensuring the public environmental safetyAuthors: Cherkasskaya N.V.
- Comparative analysis of land value taxation in Ukraine and the Russian FederationAuthors: Matyushin A.V.; Pavliy A.S.
- Legal work in the higher education institutions activities at the present stageAuthors: Kutcurubova-Shevchenko E.V.