Archived Papers for Journal
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Journal >>
Vol.4, No.1
Publisher: Medwin Publisher
Publishing Date: 2019-02-18
- A Clinical Comparative Study of Oral Aprepitant and Injection Palonosetronfor Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy under General AnaesthesiaAuthors: Harioudh V Agrawal J GoyalP Mittal R Choudhary B
- Quality Improvement in Critical Care: Patient-Focused ApproachAuthors: Tabish SA
- Failed Spinal Anaesthesia- A ReviewAuthors: Agrawal J Rajput A; Mittal R
- Direct Percutaneous Tracheostomy from NIV in ICU Patients with Respiratory Failure -A Case SeriesAuthors: Rahman L Mirja de Vries T Choo Y Y; Sunwai M
- Dexmedetomidine Versus Magnesium for Facilitating I-gel®InsertionAuthors: Samhan YM EbiedSR Khafagy HF; Ali ZM
- The Obesity Paradox for Stroke Patients, aBack Side of the CoinAuthors: SonmezlerA