Archived Papers for Journal
Vol.4, No.4
Publisher: Prof.Dr. Hayrettin Ozturk
Publishing Date: 2021-10-01
- Does the non-union scoring system (NUSS) affect the treatment approach of non-union?Authors: Burcin Karsli Sezgin Bahadir Tekin VolkanKılıncoglu
- Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori, gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in gastric biopsy specimens: A retrospective evaluation of 1605 patientsAuthors: Mehmet Ali Kosekli
- Histopathological distribution of thyroid cancers: A retrospective analysis of 570 patientsAuthors: Ozlem Karaca Ocak Hasan Ergenc ZeynepErgenc Feyzi Gokosmanoglu
- Comparison of eosinophil counts in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: Could it be a predictor factorAuthors: Asli Kurtar Mansiroglu Mehmet Cosgun Isa Sincer Yilmaz Gunes