Archived Papers for Journal
Langua: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Education >>
Vol.2, No.2
Publisher: English Department of STKIP Kie Raha Ternate
Publishing Date: 2019-11-15
- Gender and Semantic InterpretationAuthors: Zainurrahman
- Analyzing Communication Strategies used by Junior High School English Teachers in Teaching and Learning Process at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 7 TernateAuthors: Suhaimi Tegamuni; Armiyati
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skill by Using the Cooperative Learning Method through Think Pair Share (TPS) at SMK Negeri 4 Halmahera TengahAuthors: Syamia; Ardila Sidik
- The Effectiveness of Using Short Story to Improve Students’ Vocabulary MasteryAuthors: Heron Beno