Archived Papers for Journal
Russian Arctic >>
Vol.2, No.1
Publisher: Center for Information and Legal Support for the Development of the Arctic
Publishing Date: 2018-09-21
- Long-range forecast of residual ice area in the Arctic ocean in SeptemberAuthors: Yulin A.V. Sharatunova M.V.
- Melt pond on the sea ice surface during summer and its connection with Arctic climate changeAuthors: Repina I.A. Tikhonov V.V.
- Ice conditions of navigation in the Arctic basin in summer 2018Authors: Alekseeva T.A. Serovetnikov S.S Frolov S.V. Sokolov V.T.
- Ship-based television complex – the program for automatic sea ice thickness monitoringAuthors: Serovetnikov S.S Frolov S.V. Klein A.E.
- Ice islands in the ArcticAuthors: Bessonov V.I.