Archived Papers for Journal
Klironomy >>
Vol.3, No.3
Publisher: European Institute for Innovation Development
Publishing Date: 2021-11-30
- The Human Voice as a Genius Instrument to be trainedAuthors: Saad S.Kh.
- The connection of times and generations in the restoration of cultural heritage monumentsAuthors: Fomicheva N.M.; Valuev D.A.
- Rumen Sirakov – the master of the “poor piano”. The performing technique of Rumen SirakovAuthors: Buradzhiev K.
- Ukrainian book design: ways of formation and developmentAuthors: Zaitseva V.; Buihasheva A.
- Graffiti: Public art movementAuthors: Popa I.A.
- Тhe concert as a form of presenting Bulgarian dance art on the basis of folkloreAuthors: Kayryakova K.
- Fundamentals of dance training in the system of secondary education in VarnaAuthors: Staneva T.