Tools and Techniques for Designing, Implementing, & Evaluating Ubiquitous Computing Systems
Journal: International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) (Vol.6, No. 12)Publication Date: 2016-12-31
Authors : Afreen Bhumgara;
Page : 01-06
Keywords : persuasive computing; ubiquitous computing systems; internet of things;
Interactive systems in the mobile, ubiquitous and virtual environments are at a stage of development where designers and developers are keen to find out more about design, use, and usability of these systems. Ubiquitous Computing is the design, implementation and usability that highlight the theories, techniques, tools and best practices in these environments. This paper shows that usable and useful systems that can be achieved in ways that will improve usability to enhance user experience. Research on the usability issues for young children, teenagers, adults and the elderly is presented with different techniques for the mobile, ubiquitous and virtual environments. Interactive frameworks in the portable, omnipresent, and virtual situations are at a phase of advancement where creators and engineers are quick to discover more about the outline, use, and ease of use of these frameworks. The objective of this research paper is to assess the tools and techniques for designing, implementing, and evaluating ubiquitous computing systems used by developers so as to formulate practical solutions that address the functionality of these systems. Ideal systems ensure that designers are able to develop and predict usability of systems at all the stages of virtual environments. This is particularly essential as it increases the experience of the users. This requires one to use the best tool and techniques backed by theories to practice the same. However this varies across different fields such as ubiquitous and mobile environments. In addition all the computing tools have to share visionary tools that allow them to network while at the same time they are processing and distinctively modeling the user interface. Some of the main methods that are used for smart devices include tools such as tabs, boards and pads. Various tools are usually used in the design of the works of the computer. The need to select appropriate techniques that will allow for the efficient use of the chosen techniques for the devices is thus a necessity. This implies that the selection of such tools should be based on set out effective techniques that have been tested so that the required output is achieved.
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Last modified: 2016-12-24 15:43:03