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Journal: Інтелект. Особистість. Цивілізація. Збірник наукових праць (Vol.12, No. 12)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5-15

Keywords : этнос; традиционные знания; этическая память; культурный механизм; этническая культура.;

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Ethnic memory as an authentic and at the same time a cross functional component, is the main characteristic of ethnic identity and ethnic and cultural development process, as well as a person socialization factor in the modern world. The ethnic group memory, as synthesis of past, present and future, as a socio-cultural mechanism of ethnic existence, keeps ethnicity and ethnic self-identity, transmitting collective cultural experience and cultural heritage at the conscious and unconscious levels. The theoretical development of the «collective memory» concept is methodologically important. It is the substantial basis of the ethnic memory which is presented as written and oral traditions; «the memory of the world» materialized in books, monuments and languages. It acts as a complex sociopsychological process in the system of the ethnicity spirituality, stamping in language, culture, customs, rites, in the ethno-psychological characteristics, keeping in the native land archetypes, in the myths and epics, in historical legends and events, in recognition of ethno-national features, ethnic values, in ethnic heroes and events of the ethnic history and ethnic feelings.

Last modified: 2017-05-14 01:53:40