Energy Efficient Approach for Real-Time Message Transfer through MC-WSN Design
Journal: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) (Vol.6, No. 3)Publication Date: 2017-07-15
Authors : Murali G; Arpitha S; Vinayak Murthy; Balakrishna R;
Page : 69-73
Keywords : Keywords: WSN; Mobile Access Points; N-hop network; Throughput; Delay; Energy Efficiency.;
Abstract: In Rapid technologies, Energy Efficient is an important issue in Wireless Network, due to this we are discussing a novel energy efficient scheme for timebound applications known as mobile access coordinated wireless sensor network (MC-WSN). In Sensor Networks with Mobile Access Points (SENMA), the Mobile Access points (MAs) will find the way to accumulate the message through individual sensor nodes. During the process of routing in SNEMA, a major limitation is that information transmission is reduced by the substantial speed of the MAs and their length of routing, which results is little throughput and great interruption. Due to this issue, we proposed the MC-WSN design, through this optimal topology design that minimizes the average number of hops from sensor to MA and improve the throughput analysis under both single and multipath directs. From this general framework, it can be seen that MC-WSN reflects the incorporation of structure ensured reliability and ad hoc enabled flexibility.
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Last modified: 2017-07-15 23:11:59