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Methods of Management in a Tropical Floodplain and Hydrological Modelling, the Case of Gianh River (Vietnam)

Journal: International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science (Vol.2, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 63-69

Keywords : Hydrology; Modelling; Flood risk; The Gianh River.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Problems associated with flood risk definitely represent a highly topical issue in Vietnam. The case of the lower Gianh river in the Central region of Vietnam with an area of 353 km² which is regularly subject of flood risks, whose the scientific question is strongly linked to flood risk management to limit its risks. The flooding analysis and management in this area requires a basic understanding of the hydrology in the River. The paper presents the hydrological modelling for the hydrological analysis and the flood management to orientate the risk prevention policy, as well as to help decision makers develop a floodplain for urban planning, to reduce vulnerability of the area which are based on the risk map and the flood hazard it through hydrodynamic modeling. In this article, we gave proposed structural and non-structural methodologies for flood management in the study area.

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Last modified: 2017-08-03 16:09:38