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Estimation of the Impact of Financial and Non-financial Factors on the Value of Ukrainian Banks

Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.36, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 90-97

Keywords : ;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article contains a list of indicators that can be used for estimation of the impact of financial and non-financial factors on the value of Ukrainian banks. The method of principal components has helped to define generalized factors that affect the value of Ukrainian banks. It has been found that among the factors that affect the value of Ukrainian banks there are not only financial but also non-financial factors: bank’s competitiveness, effectiveness of bank’s personnel management, bank’s intangible assets. It has been proposed to use selected values of the principal component for classification of Ukrainian banks in order to determine the effectiveness of the value-based bank’s management.

Last modified: 2017-09-01 00:05:09