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Impact of Influencing Factor of Women Employee Morale on Job Satisfaction, Retention and Belongingness

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development (IJASRD) (Vol.04, No. 06)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 34-41

Keywords : Women Employees; Employee Morale; Job Satisfaction; Job Retention; Feeling of Belongings; Belongingness; Unorganized Sector;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


There has been a massive influx of women into the workforce in every region of the world. Because of Greater numbers of women are involved in various work force are compel the countries to adopting equal opportunity policies to encourage and enable women to join the labour market. Yet, despite significant progress in education and access to decision-making posts, women's status in the workplace reflects neither their educational achievements nor their work experience. Indeed, women continue to face numerous obstacles to accessing the labour market and to progressing within it. It is will all affect he total morality of women employees working in the unorganized sector. This article analyzes the impact of such core issues of morale of women employees on their outcomes such as job satisfaction, feeling of belongings and job retention.

Last modified: 2019-02-11 04:11:28