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Journal: Urania Jurnal Ilmiah Daur Bahan Bakar Nuklir (Vol.21, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 141-150

Keywords : PEB U3Si2-Al post-irradiation; top; 235U; anion exchanger and burn-up.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


DETERMINATION OF CONTENT OF ISOTOPE 235U IN PEB U3Si2-Al TMU 2.96 gU/cm3 FOR THE CALCULATION OF BURN-UP. 235U separation has been carried out in the solution of PEB U3Si2 - Al with loading of uranium (TMU) 2.96 gU/cm3 at the Top. Top of PEB U3Si2-Al cut into three sections (triplo) with code T1, T2 and T3. Weight of each PEB code T1 = 0.095 g, T2 = 0.086 g and T3 = 0.087 g and dissolved using HCl and HNO3 in hotcell. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of the isotope 235U in the solution PEB U3Si2-Al post-irradiation and subsequently used for the calculation of burn-up. 235U isotope separation in the solution PEB U3Si2 - Al was conducted using an anion exchange column method using Dowex1x8 resin. Pipette solution of 100 mL, and then put into a column containing Dowex resin with a weight of 1.2 g. U effluent results in the column was eluted using 0.1 M HCl, then dried and conducted electro- deposition process and then analyzed using a spectrometer-α. The analysis showed that the content of the isotope 235U obtained at T1 = 0.03665 g/g PEB, T2 = 0.003468 g/g PEB and T3 = 0.03208 g/g PEB with separation recovery of 63.71 %. The content of isotope 235U obtained is used for the calculation of burn-up. burn-up calculation results of PEB U3Si2-Al of Top section (T1, T2 and T3) were obtained respectively by 43.31 %, 49.48 % and 45.41 % or burn-up an average of 45.75 %. This data is smaller than a data burn-up of PEB U3Si2-Al of middle section of 50.69 % conducted by previous researchers. However, this data can not be used as an input to the reactor, due to should be equipped with a data burn-up of PEB U3Si2-Al of bottom section. Therefore, in the nextstudies will be conducted calculation of burn-up PEB U3Si2-Al of bottom section.

Last modified: 2018-01-18 10:00:31